Painting By Numbers, a social and solidarity company
At Painting by Numbers, we're involved in a number of social and solidarity projects, such as promoting youth employment, helping young and elderly people develop and fulfil their goals, and maintaining intergenerational social ties.
PROMOTING YOUTH EMPLOYMENTEmployment plays an essential role in the young people's development, teaching them responsibility and the value of work. Painting by Numbers appreciates the richness of university students in the city of Oxford to promote the employment of young people through student and flexible contracts. The majority of our workforce is made up of international students. The family environment of our company provides a community to people who are far from their roots, and develops their openness thanks to the multiculturalism of this new, large family. We like to think that our company participates in the human and professional development of young adults who take part in the Paint by Numbers adventure. | | |
| PROMOTING THE WELLBEING AND DEVELOPMENT OF YOUTH AND SENIORSWork with young peoplePainting by numbers is a form of art therapy. Using creativity improves people's wellbeing, reduces stress, and helps improve motor skills and concentration. Children especially can benefit. That's why we're working with leisure centers and creative leisure associations to develop the practice of painting by numbers with children, and introduce them into the world of art in a playful and fun way. Supporting elderly peopleAll of these benefits – increased well being, reduced stress, improved motor skills and concentration – are also great for elderly people. We work closely with nursing and retirement homes to develop their use of art therapy through painting by numbers. Painting by numbers gives residents a fun, soothing and creative outlet, keep people active and increasing their confidence in their own cognitive and motor skills. | |
PROMOTE SOCIAL INTEGRATIONArt and art therapy are excellent, recognised ways for people to get more social integration. That's why we're working to get closer to specialised establishments and social workers to set up workshops focused on painting by numbers. Supporting people with disabilities or mental health problemsPainting by numbers can be an effective way to restore self-confidence and change the way society views marginalised people. It's a great, mindful activity for people suffering with anxiety. Painting by numbers can also be a way to break isolation, when people join a community of enthusiasts who like to share their views, experiences and creative output. Supporting people from disadvantaged backgroundsFor some people, art can feel inaccessible. Painting by numbers is a great way in to the world of art, introducing modern and classic artists from the history of painting – and giving people access to their work at a lower cost! Painting by numbers helps people learn about the practice of painting, and develop artistic skills and self-confidence, one step at a time. | |